In the framework of Airbus Helicopters’ commitment to safety, this website section is made available for the rotorcraft community. It provides informative content related to safety management, safety culture and emergency procedures. Most of this content is the result of Airbus Helicopters’ collaboration with operators and national authorities.
Safety promotion
In 2018, Airbus Helicopters conducted, or took part in, more than 180 events to promote safety in rotorcraft operations. To share these as widely as possible, some have been recorded and are made available below:
Safety Management System (SMS)
To view the Safety Management video with subtitles, press “Play,” then select the language choice (English, Spanish, Chinese, or Japanese) from the top left menu.
Safety videos & articles on Webb Sight
Visit Webb Sight – the platform dedicated to educational aviation safety videos and articles, produced by the former Chief Pilot and current Director of Aviation Education for Airbus Helicopters, Inc., Bruce Webb.

Additional safety videos
Aviation Safety Bow-Tie methodology_EN
E-learning booklets
New Mountain Flights e-learning

Interactive e-learning for flight physics
The following e-learning modules are available: Vortex Ring State, Recoverable Unanticipated Yaw and Servo Transparency. In line with our constant commitment to improving the safety of your operations, we are providing you with interactive e-learning modules. They are included in an online self-training tool (see below) that also includes a recoverable unanticipated yaw simulator.
You can also test your knowledge regarding Vortex Ring State, Recoverable Unanticipated Yaw, and Servo Transparency with our new online quiz! To access it, choose your language and the course, then go to the menu and select "Quiz" at the end of the list.
Helicopter performance interactive booklet
In line with our constant commitment to improving the safety of your operations, we are providing you with this new interactive e-learning on helicopter performance.
This application, which was developed in collaboration with pilots and instructors, provides educational material to refresh dispatcher and pilot awareness on key facts and procedures related to helicopter performance.

If you are unable to access the above booklets, download the applications that can be launched via PC:
To launch the application, decompress the zip file and click on the e-booklet icon (bookletRescueApp)
Ground rescue booklets (PCs only)
Flight safety is the no. 1 priority for Airbus Helicopters. In line with the constant commitment to improving operational safety, new Ground Rescue Booklets have been created for H125/H130, H135 and H145 helicopters -- available through the links below.
These booklets were developed in collaboration with operators, and provide additional information that is useful in adapting Emergency Response.

If you are unable to access the above booklets, download the applications that can be launched via PC:
To launch the application, decompress the zip file and click on the e-booklet icon (bookletRescueApp)
Hoist safety interactive booklet
Hoist operations are an essential component of a wide variety of missions and at Airbus Helicopters, safety of these operations is our number one priority. This interactive booklet has been created to provide you with recommendations to safely carry out your hoist operations while preventing and mitigating associated risks.

Helicopter Flight Preparation
Flight safety is the first priority for Airbus Helicopters.
In line with our constant commitment to improving the safety of your operations, we are providing you with this new interactive e-learning on flight preparation.
This application, which was developed in collaboration with pilots, flight crew, experts and investigators, will give you educational material in order to:
- facilitate flight preparation,
- remind the importance of the flight preparation,
- remind best practices,
- awareness on preflight risk assessment.
We would like to point out that this application is support for pilots. It does not replace training. It does not address a specific pilot licence nor a specific type or aircraft. In order to be compliant you must refer to the requirements of your local authority.

Multimedia for technicians
The following selection of videos were created to raise maintenance engineers’ awareness of good practices, as well as specific detailed guidance on dedicated tasks. It benefits from lessons learned in the areas of support engineering and maintainability.
Multimedia for instructors
Created through the cooperation of Airbus Helicopters and the Airbus Helicopters Training Services Approved Training Organization (AHTS ATO), the hydraulic failure training procedure video and quiz are offered to assist instructors in the preparation of their courses. Together, they focus on mitigating risks associated with the teaching of emergency procedures.
Multimedia for pilots
They are intended to raise awareness with pertinent information that may help pilots increase safety when performing a daily check of their respective helicopter.