Airspace Explorer

A pioneering platform to test future flight technologies

A350 Airspace Explorer MSN002 - Taxiing

Innovating future flying experiences


Airspace Explorer is an Airbus cross-programme platform that tests prototype innovations on the ground and in flight to determine if they will be integrated into future Airspace cabins. Housed in a specially configured A350-900 flight test aircraft, Airspace Explorer features an award-winning Airspace cabin that provides a real-world environment for assessing new concepts in cabin comfort and functionality.

Airspace Explorer plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Airbus aircraft, ensuring that the most promising innovations one day take flight. The products and services tested through Airspace Explorer are carefully selected, with the goal of transitioning them from early-stage innovations to in-service solutions in the near future. Airbus continuously collaborates with customers and industry partners to identify, develop, and refine new technologies that will enhance the flying experience for passengers and crew alike.

Improving flight


Airspace Explorer continuously evolves to explore new technologies as they become available, driving innovation to deliver a leading passenger experience. There are three primary focus areas for innovation:

Future needs

Anticipating the future needs of both operators and passengers


Validating enhanced digital and sustainable aircraft operations

Improving offerings

Demonstrating new cabin and cargo innovations, products and services

Airspace Explorer

Discovering the world of Airspace Explorer

Without realising it, you may have already had flight experiences pioneered by Airspace Explorer. Both mood lighting and special debarking lighting were tested here, as well as ultra-modern, digital connected seats and services. Windows controlled by electronic dimming systems got their start here too.

The latest in Airspace Explorer

In the spotlight