Airbus in France

Founding country of a world leader

Satellite Imagery Stage

A major player in France

A pioneer

Airbus is a major player in the aeronautics industry in France.
Airbus has more than 52,600 employees in France and contributes to the leading sectoral contribution to the trade balance with €30.5 billion in 2023 for the aeronautics and space sector.

Airbus is part of an industrial sector that represents nearly 210,000 direct jobs according to the French Aeronautical and Space Industries Group (GIFAS).

Airbus plays also a key role in the sovereignty of France and remains a trusted partner of French defence, being the main supplier of the French Forces.

France is at the core of Airbus skills, technologies, innovation and production. As one of the company’s four founding countries, France hosts the company's headquarters; it has final assembly lines for all Airbus commercial aircraft families; is home to major engineering, production and support facilities for helicopter, space and defence activities; and includes locations for leading-edge research.

Family Days 2024

Our impact

in 2023

Airbus has a strong territorial presence in France. Airbus and its subsidiaries have 23 locations in France. Its Toulouse and Marignane sites are respectively the 1st and 3rd industrial sites in the country.

This industrial presence has economic benefits for the entire territory. Airbus made €16.9 billion in purchases in France in 2023 from 3,400 subcontracting companies.

Our products and services

Airbus designs, manufactures, supports and prepares the future of civil and military aircraft (planes and helicopters), unmanned aerial systems and satellites.

The group also provides high-performance and innovative solutions in intelligence, communications and cybersecurity.

MSN 115 Delivery to Air France

Commercial Aircraft in France

Our products & services

Airbus is the world leader in civil aeronautics, with the most comprehensive, modern and
economical range of aircraft with more than 100 seats on the market. Airbus is constantly seeking improvement.

Research and innovation are at the heart of its activities, safety and customer experience are priorities.

Douanes Françaises, France H160 Surveillance mission

Helicopters in France

Our products & services

Airbus Helicopters is the world leader in civil and para-public helicopters. It also offers the best military solutions. The group is shaping tomorrow’s air mobility with innovative projects and has the ambition to be the architect of the combat helicopter of the future.

Airbus Helicopters support operators across the globe, enabling them to reach any destination and perform their essential missions in the most demanding conditions.

Eurodrone Weapon

Defence in France

Our products & services

A key player in French and European sovereignty.

As a trusted partner of the state and its armed and security forces, Airbus contributes to protect citizens and democratic values. 

Airbus designs, manufactures, cyber-protects and supports defence systems for aircraft, drones, helicopters, satellites, information systems, communications, intelligence, and cybersecurity. 

Airbus is shaping the future of French and European defence with programs such as FCAS and Eurodrone.

Orion orbiting the Moon scenario - artist view

Space in France

Our products & services

France, the heart of European space and Airbus' centre of gravity.

Airbus has not only ‘given birth’ to Airbus aircraft, it is also the European - and, moreover, French - champion of Space.

Every year, a dozen satellites leave our cleanrooms to reach Earth's orbit, the Moon, Mars or the farthest reaches of our solar system.

At the heart of the French space ecosystem, Airbus contributes to France’s global influence, as a leading space nation, as well as to its industry.

Our focus areas

Airbus in France


Airbus, one of the top 10 largest patent holders in France, registers more than 370 trademarks each year and expends around €1.1 billion annually in research and development. The company supports France’s network of competitiveness clusters including Aerospace Valley in Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, SAFE in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and ASTech in the Île-de-France area.

France Innovation

An export partner

Airbus exports more than €26 billion of aeronautical and space products from France each year, while placing some €12.5 billion of orders with more than 10,000 French industrial partners annually. At the same time, the company’s commitment to its small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers is reflected in its membership in the SME pact designed to strengthen ties between large industrial groups and entrepreneurs.

Trusted Partner
A350-900 and A350-100 in flight

Corporate citizenship

Our focus areas

Airbus works with schools and universities across France to promote interest in aeronautics among future generations. In recent years, Airbus has consistently ranked among France’s most attractive employers and its commitment to equality and diversity is widely recognised.

Airbus has made a commitment to ecologically sustainable business, which is symbolised by the design chosen for its A350 final assembly line facility adjacent to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport. This massive building makes extensive use of natural lighting and generates 55% of its own energy, due in part to the 22,000 square metres of solar photovoltaic panels located on its roof.

A French leader

Our focus areas

Airbus is an essential contributor to the economy of France through its mastery of advanced technologies and the excellence of its employees – the basis of the company’s competitiveness. Airbus is involved in many partnerships with the National Education Ministry and participates in the training of students in aeronautics.

As the main contributor to France's trade balance, Airbus is a driving force for the industry and contributes directly to job creation throughout the country. The company strives to consolidate the excellence of the entire industry by committing itself sustainably to small and medium-sized enterprises and ethical trading initiatives and by strengthening relations with innovative SMEs.

Airbus is also the leading defence industrial supplier of the French Defence Procurement Agency and a key industrial partner of the security sector.

Airbus is proud to be the industrial partner of reference in France, building an innovative European industry while being a significant exporter and job creator.

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