UN Sustainable Development Goals

A shared blueprint for peace and prosperity

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Tackling key global challenges

A global framework

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global call to action to ensure a more sustainable future for people and the planet by 2030.

At Airbus, we were among the first in our industry to formally adopt the SDGs as a framework for our social responsibility practices. This approach ensures we can help tackle key societal challenges.

For two decades, we have aligned our business with the UN Global Compact. The UN Sustainable Development Goals framework takes us one step further, helping us to align our business operations with common principles on human rights, labour, the environment, anti-corruption and more. We examined our business operations, and looked to our employees, partners and communities to determine that we are actively contributing to 8 of the 17 SDGs.

Core business

Our contribution

Our core business of manufacturing aircraft, satellites and launch vehicles contributes directly to the following goals:

Decent work & economic growth

Our global footprint enables us to stimulate inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. It also helps us to promote a zero-tolerance approach to human rights abuses in our operations and across our supply chain.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Innovation is in our DNA.  We develop innovative flight projects—from E-Fan X to urban air mobility—to help tackle aircraft CO2 emissions. We also help foster entrepreneurship and innovation in local communities to develop needs-based products and services.

Responsible consumption & production

We set ambitious goals to reduce our manufacturing footprint, promote conservation of resources and better manage the impact of our industrial operations. We also work closely with our suppliers to help them comply with our environmental and social commitments.

Environmental responsibilityResponsible supply chain

Climate action

We work to constantly improve the environmental performance of our products. In addition, our satellites play a key role in monitoring and understanding climate change.

DecarbonisationEarth observation satellites

Peace, justice & strong institutions

We contribute to safety, stability and prosperity worldwide by developing defence solutions that promote the rule of law, freedom and democratic values. Also, we seek to ensure that our business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business principles.

Defence solutionsEthics & compliance


Core values

Our contribution

Our core values as a company and the way we operate contribute to the following goals:

Quality education

Our employees have access to a wealth of education and employee mobility opportunities to grow their skills. We also support worldwide sustainable development programmes dedicated to improving access to education for the next generation.

Gender equality

We develop education programmes that promote STEM careers to young women and girls. We also report on the UK and French governments’ Gender Pay Gap initiatives.

Inclusion and diversityHuman rights

Partnerships for the goals

We believe the key to progress is collaboration. This is why we team up with our industry peers, foreign governments and ministries, the humanitarian community, and many other global partners to support corporate sustainable development programmes and provide relief when disaster strikes.

Airbus FoundationDecarbonisationElectric flight

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