In addition to setting out Airbus’ full economic footprint in the UK in terms of its gross value-added contribution to GDP, the level of employment it supports across the country, tax revenues, and investment, the report analyses how the company contributes to broader national initiatives such as the Levelling Up plan, net zero and promoting social value activities.

Operating from more than 25 sites across the UK, Airbus is the largest civil aerospace company in the country, the biggest civil aerospace exporter, Britain’s largest space company, the biggest supplier of large aircraft to the Royal Air Force and is responsible for around 50% of the UK’s civil helicopter fleet.

Put simply, the UK is important to Airbus and Airbus is important to the UK, and this survey, spanning data collated over the last three years, outlines how Airbus remains a vital part of the UK’s economic, societal and environmental landscape, even when accounting for the impact of COVID-19 on the wider aviation sector. 

We are steadfast in our commitment to the UK, and will continue to invest in our workforce, in the UK supply chain, research and development, and in the technologies that will play a vital role in limiting man-made carbon emissions, providing sustainable aviation that will benefit the entire planet.

As our business looks towards recovery and growth following the pandemic, we continue to view Airbus’ strong and enduring relationship with the United Kingdom as a vital element of Airbus’ ongoing success and we are committed to continuing to deepen our ties over the years and decades to come.

John Harrison, Group General Counsel and Chairman of Airbus UK


The report highlights that, despite the well documented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global aviation sector, Airbus continues to be a significant contributor to the UK’s economy. When looking at Airbus’ contribution from the start of 2019 to the end of 2020, it found that, in terms of GDP, employment, supply chain, tax, and investment, Airbus continues to play a crucial role in the UK’s wider economic performance.

In terms of key highlights, Oxford Economics’ analysis found that:

  • Airbus directly and indirectly supported a £5.6 billion contribution to UK GDP in 2020
  • In 2020, £1 in every £92 earned by UK firms from exported goods were products manufactured by Airbus.
  • In 2020, in addition to its own workforce, Airbus supported approximately 86,400 jobs.
  • Airbus’ UK supply chain includes hundreds of small- and medium-sized businesses, with SME’s accounting for 30% of all Airbus’ UK suppliers.
  • Airbus invested £260 million in research and development in 2020.



The UK has a world leading aerospace sector, with Airbus playing a central role in this success. The ground-breaking tech that Airbus and its partners are developing will help secure the future of flight in the next generation aircraft of tomorrow.

This report illustrates the positive impact Airbus has had on communities across the UK, underpinned by an extensive supply chain with a strong focus on innovation – driving growth and providing high-skilled jobs, apprenticeships and careers.

Lee Rowley MP, Minister for Industry, BEIS


The impact of Airbus on the UK economy - Oxford Economics - March 2022


Airbus' contribution to the UK economy

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