Airbus to propose new Board Member, legal name change at AGM

- · Agenda includes appointment of Lord Drayson as non-executive director · Meeting to vote on change of legal name to Airbus SE
Amsterdam, 1 March 2017 – Airbus (stock exchange symbol: AIR) has published the agenda for its Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held on 12 April 2017, including the proposed appointment of a new independent director, renewal of the Chairman’s Board mandate and approval of the Company’s new legal name.
Shareholder approval will be sought for the appointment of Lord Drayson, 56, as anindependent non-Executive Member to the Board of Directors for a term of three years. LordDrayson, who has led several technology companies in different industry sectors and isChairman and Chief Executive Officer of UK-based Drayson Technologies Ltd., will replaceLakshmi Mittal, whose mandate expires at the close of the AGM.
The mandate of Denis Ranque as a member of the Board of Directors is up for renewal for aterm of three years as anticipated at the AGM of 2016. Ranque would therefore remainChairman of the Board. At the 2016 meeting, it was announced that Board mandates will berenewed every year by blocks of four, for a term of three years, in order to ensure a smoothtransition of the Board composition and to be in line with best practices. This also avoidslarge block replacements at one single shareholder meeting.
The mandates of non-Executive Directors Ralph D. Crosby and Hermann-Josef Lamberti arealso up for renewal. Mandates of all other Board members are not subject to any decision atthe AGM.
Shareholders will be asked to formally approve the change of the Company’s legal name toAirbus SE from Airbus Group SE. This follows the decision taken in 2016 to merge the Groupstructure with the largest Division, Airbus Commercial Aircraft, and adopt the single Airbusbrand. The Company has been operating as Airbus since the beginning of January, 2017.
Other resolutions include the approval of the proposed 2016 dividend of € 1.35 per share.
Documents for the AGM, which starts at 13:30 CET on 12 April, are available online at:
About Airbus
Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2016, it generated revenues of € 67 billionand employed a workforce of around 134,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airlinersfrom 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport andmission aircraft, as well as Europe’s number one space enterprise and the world’s second largest spacebusiness. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.