Our values - Integrity

Working with integrity: trust, transparency and honesty at Airbus
The value of integrity is core to Airbus. We work with integrity in everything we do, and embody our principles when working with customers, suppliers and colleagues.
We spoke to Aurélie Laize, a Regional Key Account Manager here at Airbus, to find out how she lives up to this value in her day-to-day role. Aurelie is responsible for securing business opportunities, managing commercial campaigns and ensuring the voice of the customer is heard internally, in response to operational needs.
Watch the video directly on Youtube.
For Aurélie, integrity is a vital part of her role. Every day, she acts as an ambassador for Airbus, representing the company in all her interactions with customers. She takes on the responsibility to act as a role model, building trusting relationships. In her words, “no matter how a project is going, I am always respectful, trustworthy and dedicated to my customer”.
She recognises the importance of all employees acting as ambassadors for the company, encouraging her team members and peers to work transparently and speak up when needs be. Integrity, she believes, should be a guiding principle “at all levels and across all activities within Airbus”, so she works hard to create a trusting work environment where integrity can flourish.

The Airbus Values journey is a constant evolution, and Aurélie believes the ability of employees to work cross-functionally within the Airbus family will be key to progress. Zero tolerance on unethical and non-compliant actions is vital, enabling the company to move forward with positivity and care, even if the short term business may be impacted.
We hope you enjoyed the video and feel inspired to apply the value of integrity yourself. Thank you to Aurélie for sharing her perspective on the importance of trust, transparency and honesty within Airbus.
If you’d like to find out more about the Airbus values, you can explore them further on the Values page.