A large and powerful avionics platform range
With its industrial capability, Airbus has developed a large and powerful range of avionics platforms including on-board computer, payload interface unit, remote interface unit for conventional and new space applications.
Our avionics data processing platforms are developed on 2 different sites. We developed our cutting-edge management platform, Remote Interface Units, in Spain at Airbus Crisa.
The new generation on-board computing platform, OSCAR, is developed at Airbus Space Electronics in France. We are also developing our New Space Pureline range in France and offer the Payload Interface Unit, Pureline Emerald as well as the On board computer, PureLine Amethyst.

Remote interface units/remote terminal units
Platform management

Cost-effective PureLine series for global satellite applications
The PureLine series, designed for constellations with high volumes, delivers disruptive pricing without compromising quality, making it ideal for diverse global satellite applications.