Providing ten times more connectivity capacity than the previous generation

SpainSat NG

Secure communications at its best

Spainsat NG is a constellation of satellites providing military grade secure communications to the Spanish Armed Forces and its partners. The state of the art technology in the domain of flexible payloads makes this tri-band satellite in X, Ka and UHF bands particularly useful in providing critical communication services over two thirds of the Earth.

Secure connectivity to fulfil next generation needs

The Spainsat NG satellites use the proven Eurostar Neo platform and provide ten times more connectivity capacity than the previous generation. Their active antennas provide high-speed data transmission and is fully reconfigurable in-orbit.

In addition, the satellites are beamhopping enabled, with the ability to change configuration thousands of times per second and therefore able to adapt to the most demanding theatres of operation. The active antennas are also equipped with a geolocation system capable of locating emitters on Earth with unprecedented levels of precision. 

Their resiliency and security features have been developed to ensure they can survive high altitude nuclear events, as well as meeting the toughest NATO requirements for signal intelligence and protection against interference. This makes them key assets for operation by allied nations, ensuring that the Spanish Armed Forces and their partners have information superiority at all times.


Spainsat NG-I and Spainsat NG-II

In April 2019, Hisdesat contracted Airbus to enhance the Spainsat fleet and build the Spainsat Next Generation (NG) satellites. SpainSat NG-I was launched end of January 2025 while SpainSat NG-II is planned to be completed by the end of 2025.

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