Energy Transition

Energy Transition

Introducing new low-emission propulsion technology to aerospace


Energy paths for low-emissions aviation

Airbus has developed a structured and modular energy transformation roadmap applicable to all of its aerospace solutions. The roadmap includes a range of technologies such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), hydrogen either directly burnt or transformed into electricity through fuel cells, or new hybrid-electric propulsion systems. We are exploring these technical solutions in parallel and continuously refining their potential to meet our decarbonisation ambition.

Energy transition at Airbus

Future Aircraft Operations

Future Aircraft Operations

Towards safer, more efficient and interoperable flight


Technology for safe and efficient operations

To facilitate the work of aircraft operators and air traffic management, Airbus is developing new technologies to make operations more efficient. This includes creating solutions to optimise flight trajectories and building digital air traffic management solutions that can safely and efficiently integrate unmanned traffic and more autonomous flights.

As part of the quest to pioneer sustainable aerospace, Airbus is also investigating how improving aircraft operations can reduce noise pollution, CO2 and non-CO2 emissions such as NOx, contrails and aerosols.

Future aircraft operations at Airbus

Future Aircraft

Future Aircraft

Unlocking the potential of tomorrow’s materials and technologies


Design choices for future aircraft

A new generation of low-emission aircraft will be built with lightweight, durable and sustainably sourced materials such as advanced composites, bio-fibres  and bio-sourced resins.  

Design choices will extend to the future aircraft’s overall architecture, from engines and their position on the airframe to wing span and even foldable wingtips. Each choice must optimise aerodynamic efficiency.

Propulsion systems are another key consideration in future performance, ranging from SAF-ready open fan rotors to hydrogen fuel cells that provide electrical power. The circularity of each material and technology option over the aircraft’s entire lifetime weighs heavily in the overall design choices Airbus’ engineers will make.

Finally, keeping in mind the full product life cycle, manufacturing the aircraft at high volumes must be straightforward, and operating it must be cost effective. This can be enabled through digitalisation, improved connectivity and increased autonomy.

Future aircraft at Airbus

Our demonstrators

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

A digital-first approach to designing and operating aerospace products

Header image for Digital Trasnformation

Developing a digital ecosystem

Airbus is leveraging digital advanced technologies to revolutionise how we design, produce and operate our products.. We are adapting our production facilities and industrial ecosystem to embrace digital methods and are accelerating the integration of smart manufacturing, known as industry 4.0, into our operations.

Our company-wide programme, called DDMS (Digital Design Manufacturing and Services), sets new industry standards that aim at interconnecting the various platforms and increasing data exchange, resulting in improved and more efficient collaboration.

In tandem, we are exploring how artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, advanced analytics and connectivity can solve design, manufacturing and operation challenges.

This digital revolution is taking place at every level of operations within Airbus, driving innovation and excellence throughout our ecosystem. It encourages teams to embrace digital tools, streamline processes, enhance efficiency and revolutionise production methods. It plays a key role in achieving our ambition of pioneering sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world.

Digital transformation at Airbus

Innovation Ecosystem

Innovation Ecosystem

Leveraging collective intelligence to deliver results

Innovation Ecosystem A

Nurturing an innovation ecosystem

Innovation happens when great ideas, people and challenges intersect.  A robust innovation ecosystem thrives at Airbus, fuelled by collaboration and a desire to transform new ideas into aerospace industry breakthroughs.  This ecosystem is responsible for some of our most innovative technologies, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in aerospace engineering and beyond.

Innovation ecosystem at Airbus

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