The Airbus Foundation is proud to present its 2023 annual activity report, highlighting a year of impactful initiatives that have made a difference in communities worldwide. Guided by three key pillars – humanitarian aid, youth development, and environmental sustainability – the Foundation continues to provide access to Airbus technologies, permitting its partners to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Guided by three strategic pillars

In 2023, the Airbus Foundation reaffirmed its commitment to providing humanitarian aid, responding to acute and protracted crises. Our strategic partnerships and the mobilisation of humanitarian flights allowed us to deliver essential supplies and services to regions affected by natural disasters and conflicts, including Turkey, Syria and Gaza. In 2023, we partnered with multiple organisations to facilitate the transportation of 379 tonnes of aid.

The Airbus Foundation believes in the power of education and youth development as catalysts for positive change. The initiatives led by the Foundation and its partners aim to inspire young people to learn, continue their education and contribute to the world as productive global citizens. In 2023, the Foundation’s programmes reached 20,275 children across 16 countries worldwide, offering them unique opportunities to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). For instance, the Foundation partnered with Phoenix Space to co-design and deliver the STEM Spark course to children living in the largest refugee camp in Jordan.

The Airbus Foundation’s commitment to the environment remains unwavering as it works with NGO partners to address climate change through mitigation, monitoring, and adaptation. Through such partnerships, the Airbus Foundation has been able to address the critical topic of biodiversity by providing satellite imagery. It informs projects that help protect endangered species and their habitats, while also supporting the mapping of forest restoration progress to organisations such as Connected Conservation Foundation (CCF) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This year, the Airbus Foundation worked alongside four NGOs in six countries and provided 21,441 km2 of satellite imagery to pursue long running projects.

The commitment by Airbus employees to engage their time and skills has been instrumental in the success of our initiatives. In 2023, 323 employees participated in Foundation activities addressing youth development alongside partners including CIEDS and the Spanish Red Cross.  Moreover, 2023 was the pilot year for Foundation Talks where employees are invited to hear from NGO professionals about their experiences in the field. 

What will you find in the report

At the heart of the Airbus Foundation’s success are the strong partnerships cultivated with organisations. These collaborations enable us to reach more people and address complex challenges more effectively. The 2023 Report details several key partnerships and their outcomes, showcasing the collective effort required to drive meaningful impact.

The annual activity report includes a message from Airbus Chief Sustainability Officer and Communications, Julie Kitcher, as well as an interview with Airbus Foundation Managing Director Rachel Schroeder. Details on the initiatives of each pillar are accompanied by key figures and messages from some of the Foundation’s partners.

We invite you to explore the full 2023 annual activity report.


Airbus Foundation