Registration for the 2016 admission tests open from 15th February to 25th March on the Lycée website

The Lycée Airbus will present on 6th February the four Vocational Baccalaureates it offers to students: Industrial Metalworking Technician; Machining Technician; Aeronautics – Avionics option and Aeronautics – Structure option.

These courses last three years, and are taught in a school context for the first two years, and then as an apprenticeship for the last year. They address girls and boys who have Fourth Year level at least (aged 15 to under-18 on August 25th, 2015), and are highly motivated for working in a team, and on aircraft.

On completion of their Vocational Baccalaureate some students may prolong their training with a 2-year Aeronautical BTS course (Advanced Vocational Diploma). This course is run by the Midi-Pyrénées CFAI as an apprenticeship and can be done at the Lycée Airbus.

The Lycée Airbus is currently one of the few company secondary schools that still exist in France. This specificity enables the Lycée to offer students a training complying with the reality and products of the company. Some 350 young students are trained each year.

Marie-Stéphane Pefferkorn, the new head of the Lycée Airbus said: “Located at the heart of one of our Airbus plants in Toulouse, the Lycée is a great opportunity for young people, boys or girls, to discover and learn a manual skill, in a sector offering great opportunities. Further than teaching competences, our school also strongly believes in developing company behaviour, therefore responding to the needs of the aeronautical business. This year, the Vocationnal Baccalaureate is celebrating 30 years of existence and this is for us the opportunity to demonstrates all the benefits of theses trainings. We await many young people and their parents, whether they are or not familiar with the aeronautical domain”.

The Lycée Airbus is organising an Open Day on Saturday February 6th from 8:00 to 12:30, to enable young students to discover the proposed professions, the school programme and the values it promotes. The presentation of the Lycée will be followed by a visit of the facilities.

Lycée Airbus: Airbus Saint-Eloi plant, 57 chemin du Sang de Serp – 31200 Toulouse (Metro line B, Canal du Midi station).

In order to submit your application for the 2016 academic year, registration will be open from February 15th to March 19th (on-line registration only, on the Lycée’s website:

The written admission tests for the forthcoming academic year will be held on May 11th, followed by a motivation interview before 15th June for the selected candidates.

About the Airbus Lycée:

Founded more than sixty-five years ago, the Lycée Airbus is situated in the heart of the Airbus Saint-Eloi plant in Toulouse. One of its distinctive features is that its students are immersed right from day one in the life of the company. The classrooms and workshops are located inside the plant, and the students benefit from the same working conditions as their future colleagues: corporate culture and functioning, company restaurant, etc. The Lycée Airbus is associated with Airbus Operations SAS, and has contractual ties with the French Ministry of Education. Teaching is free of charge and the students are entitled to state grants in accordance with the applicable regulations. More than one hundred students graduate from Lycée Airbus each year.

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Caroline Brown

+33 6 22 08 86 23