Kit-Aero to supply commercial off-the-shelf tools and ground support equipment to Airbus helicopter

- At the end of January 2017, Airbus and Kit-Aero signed a non-exclusive agreement for the supply of commercial off the shelf (COTS) tools and ground support equipment to Airbus customers.
Comprising standard equipment that is generally available on the market, such as power supply benches and pressure generators, Kit-Aero’s offerings cover COTS tools and ground support equipment not specific to Airbus helicopters.
Under the agreement, Kit-Aero will now handle the promotion, sales and after-sales support of COTS tools and ground equipment towards Airbus helicopters’ customers. The arrangement is targeted at improving customer satisfaction by presenting a single focal point for sales and support. It also aims to provide attractive costs that are aligned with market prices. Lastly, customers benefit from a greater number of solutions via Kit-Aero’s technical expertise and its benchmark products.
The shift of responsibility will be progressively deployed over the course of 2017, as customer needs are assessed. For requests related to COTS tools and ground support equipment, Airbus customers are invited to visit Kit-Aero’s website ( or contact them directly at
Specific tools and ground support equipment developed by Airbus will remain under the company’s existing distribution channels, available through the Keycopter customer portal or through a direct sales focal point.