A350F | Get to know the winners

 Paris Airshow 2023 - A350F New livery ceremony

A350F Livery Design Competition

The unveiling event

On the 21st of June at Paris Air Show the winners of the A350F Livery Design Competition were announced. See the highlights from the ceremony and get to know the winners.

More about the competition

Meet John Feehan

And the winners are...

John Feehan is one of the joint winners of the A350F livery design competition. We met him at the Paris Air Show. 

Hi John, can you introduce yourself? 

"I am 57. I work as a graphic designer for a variety of clients in the design and print areas.  I live in Dublin, Ireland, on the south side of the city, near the mountains, with my partner Pam, our two children Charlie and Ruby, and our greyhound Olive."

Why did you join the competition?

"My son is hoping for a career in aviation and his passion has affected the entire family. He is the one who encouraged me to enter the competition. The contest was a good challenge to try to think outside the norm and a unique opportunity to work with a leader in aviation. I couldn’t miss my chance."

What are you doing during your free time?

"Motorcycles play a large part in my spare time, with a healthy interest in engineering, restoration and riding. Planes, trains and cars also feature strongly in my interests, as well as travel and music that nobody listens to anymore."

Meet the Iverson Brothers

And the winners are...

Get to know brothers Quinnten and Ellisten Iversen who we met at the Show. 

Hi Quinnten and Ellisten, can you introduce yourself? 

"I’m 16 and I live in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I’ve wanted to be a pilot for as long as I can remember and I started flying before I even had my driver’s license. I am also currently working on my private pilot's license and just completed my first solo flight." - Quinnten

"I’m 12 and I live in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I attend a science focused charter school and will be starting 8th Grade this fall. My brother instilled a love for aviation in me and just like him my dream is to become a pilot." - Ellisten

Why did you join the competition?

"Aviation has been a discussion topic in our family for years, so when I saw the press release for the competition I was immediately interested. I was reading the daily aviation news when the idea suddenly clicked in my head. I sat down with my brother and we started to bring our concept to life together. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be at the Paris Air Show unveiling a livery I helped design, I don’t think I would have believed you." - Quinnten

"I was approached by my brother one evening, and he described to me his artistic concept for the A350F livery. I liked the idea to brew a design that was iconic but fresh. As I have a passion for aviation myself, I joined the competition as a co-contributor together with my brother." - Ellisten

What do you do in your free time?

"I've had plenty of hobbies and interests throughout my life but aviation has always taken center stage. From plane spotting to model collecting, I’ve branched out into aviation photography and probably have one of the largest 1:400 model collections in Canada." - Quinnten

"I enjoy playing ice hockey year round, alongside other winter activities such as skiing and sledding. However, my main hobby is aviation. From model collecting, to plane-spotting and flight simulators, there is no shortage of activities to keep me busy. I hope to continue down this path my whole life, and to construct a career through this amazing hobby." - Ellisten