Prepare your onboarding journey
Dive in smoothly
You’re about to embark on a great journey! While waiting to step in Airbus’ backstage, there are a few things you can do to get familiar with your new workplace and arrive relaxed on your first day.

Access your onboarding dashboard in myPULSE
MyPULSE is a central tool at Airbus. You can set personal goals, access a huge amount of training, change jobs within Airbus and so much more.
It has a dedicated space for newcomers: the Onboarding dashboard, in which you’ll find pre-boarding and onboarding information, contacts and tasks to complete.
Once your contract is signed and personal administration completed, you will receive in separate emails, your login & temporary password.
You can then access your onboarding dashboard!

Explore pre-boarding activities
Check your inbox in MyPULSE to review the documentation and perform the mandatory activities you need to complete before your 1st day:
- Code of conduct
- Passport and Visas
- Emergency contacts
- Contact information
- Bank account
Verify your personal information is accurate and identical to your ID card (name, date of birth…). Any discrepancies will have an impact on HR administrative documents, Airbus IT accesses and permission to access Airbus sites, delaying your induction on the job.

Collect your Airbus badge
Before meeting your team & manager, you will collect a temporary or a permanent badge at the Welcome Badge Office, which will allow you to enter Airbus premises.
For Airbus Commercial sites, please send your picture to the email address you’ll receive, at least 3 working days before Day 1.
Your photo must be:
Clear, recent and in colour
Face uncovered and looking towards the camera
Eyes open
No smiling
No hair over ears and neck
Hair must stay inside the frame
Bare-headed, with no covering

Meet your contact focal point
Remember to double check with your manager who will pick you up on your 1st day. Get their name and mobile number.
Managers or Buddy will pick you up from the Welcome Badge Office and show you around your new workplace.
Top Tips
You should ask your manager for the building number and office number as some Airbus sites are more complex than others.
To help you get oriented & find maps, download Campus by Airbus app on the App store and Google Play.