What led you to work at Airbus?
Since I have a background in textile engineering focusing on composite technologies, the ultimate application for composite structures was - and is - for me, aerospace. Being able to work on technologies that will enable the future of aviation during my first internship in the Research and Technology department as part of my university studies, really had me hooked on the aerospace industry.
I think a lot of women don’t want to be the ‘unicorn’, the women in the male team, the diversity quota. We need to work on unconscious bias in order to really create an attractive working environment for women - and men.
What do you think we could do to inspire more women to work in the aerospace industry?
First let me start by saying that, from my perspective, there are already a lot of good initiatives running in Airbus. Still, I believe we have a long way to go. For me, inspiration can come from having female role models telling their stories, but also we can create a huge momentum when we demonstrate at Airbus that we are not only talking about diversity, but it is part of who we are.
What do you think we could do collectively to build a more inclusive workplace?
As already mentioned, it all starts with working on the unconscious bias we have but also by creating a positive atmosphere at work. I think a lot of women are not that motivated by financial benefits or status, but more by the meaning of what they do, a good working environment, a place where they are seen, where there is an open feedback culture and that great feeling of achieving something together as a team.
Lastly, tell us what is the “magic ingredient” that makes your team (or the team you work with) strong?
we are able to create a space where everyone can voice their opinion and will be heard, and where we, as a management team, are transparently sharing with the teams our thoughts and the challenges we are facing.
Through open communication, speak up.