Technical publications

Airbus Helicopters in Canada

Airbus Helicopters Canada


Airbus Helicopters in Canada’s technical publication services ensure the availability and supply of the latest technical publications and revision services for Airbus Helicopters products.

T.I.P.I. app


Customers require immediate access to operational and maintenance directives to keep their rotorcraft flying and to support flight safety.

All the latest directives – such as alert service bulletins (ASBs), service bulletins (SBs) and safety information notices (SINs) – are published in real time on Airbus Helicopters’ T.I.P.I. portal (Technical Information Publication on Internet).

The T.I.P.I. app is also available for download on iTunes and Google Play.

Register for this service by clicking the link below and then clicking "inscription."

Visit the T.I.P.I website

Hour Range of Services

The range of services include:

  • Providing customers with the latest flight and maintenance manuals
  • Providing revision and/or updates services
  • CD-ROM/DVD and paper format are available on select models
  • Revision Status, Flight Manual Revision Status and Alert Service Bulletins are now available on this website

Technical Information Publication on Internet (T.I.P.I.) is a service providing real time technical publications, as Alert/Service Bulletins, Service Letters and Information Letters. Customers will be notified of new document revision by email.

Please refer to the Documents & Forms page for Current Standard Conditions of Sale

To access T.I.P.I. click on the following link for the Airbus Helicopters website:


Caren Stewart
Technical Publications Representative & Fleet Administrator 
(905) 994-2969 Toll Free:  1-800-267-4999 x 672969

Canada Revision Services

The following section provides the following documents:

-Flight Fanual Supplements (FMS)
-Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA)
-Service information/Survice Bulletins (SI/SB)
-Pilot's Guide (PG)
-Mantenance Manual Supplements (MMS)


Flight Manual Supplements


Instructions for Continued Airworthiness


Service Bulletins, Service Information



Maintenance Manual Supplements

Maintenance Manual Supplements

Flight Manual Supplements

Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

Service Bulletins, Service Information

Maintenance Manual Supplements

Maintenance Manual Supplements

Flight Manual Revision Status


AS332 L TC-Certification

AS332 L1 TC-Certification

AS332 L2 TC-Certification

AS332 L EASA-Certification Updated 04-19-24


EC120- Updated 01-22-25


EC130 B4 -Updated 05-13-24

EC130 T2– Updated 05-13-24


AS350B -Updated 05-13-24

AS350B1– Updated 11-08-23

AS350B2 TC-Certification– Updated 11-08-23

AS350 B3 Updated 10-31-24

AS350B3e (H125)Updated 08-08-24

AS350BA– Updated 11-08-23

AS350D Updated 11-08-23

AS350 B3-ARR2B1-Updated 10-31-24

AS350B2 VEMD – Updated 05-13-24

BK 117/EC145

BK117 B-1 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 B-2 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 C-2 EASA-Certification

BK117 C-2e EASA-Certification-Updated 07-09-24

BK117 A-3 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 A-4 EASA-Certification-Updated 03-02-23

BK117 D2- EC145 T2 HELIONIX STEP 2- Updated 08-23-24

BK117 D-3 EASA-Certification– Updated 01-22-25


AS355 F1 TC-Certification -Updated 07-09-24

AS355 F2 TC-Certification– Updated 07-09-24

AS355 N EASA-Certification -Updated 07-09-24

AS355 NP TC-Certification Updated 11-08-23


BO105 CB/CBS EASA-Certification

BO105 LS A-3 EASA-Certification


AS365 N1 EASA-Certification Updated 05-17-23

AS365 N2 EASA-Certification Updated 05-17-23

AS365 N3 EASA-Certification Updated 11-08-23


EC135 P2+ Updated 03-01-24

EC135 T2+ Updated 08-28-24

EC135 T2(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 P2(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 T3(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 P3H Updated 08-23-24

AS332 L TC-Certification

AS332 L1 TC-Certification

AS332 L2 TC-Certification

AS332 L EASA-Certification Updated 04-19-24

EC120- Updated 01-22-25

EC130 B4 -Updated 05-13-24

EC130 T2– Updated 05-13-24

AS350B -Updated 05-13-24

AS350B1– Updated 11-08-23

AS350B2 TC-Certification– Updated 11-08-23

AS350 B3 Updated 10-31-24

AS350B3e (H125)Updated 08-08-24

AS350BA– Updated 11-08-23

AS350D Updated 11-08-23

AS350 B3-ARR2B1-Updated 10-31-24

AS350B2 VEMD – Updated 05-13-24

BK117 B-1 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 B-2 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 C-2 EASA-Certification

BK117 C-2e EASA-Certification-Updated 07-09-24

BK117 A-3 EASA-Certification -Updated 03-02-23

BK117 A-4 EASA-Certification-Updated 03-02-23

BK117 D2- EC145 T2 HELIONIX STEP 2- Updated 08-23-24

BK117 D-3 EASA-Certification– Updated 01-22-25

AS355 F1 TC-Certification -Updated 07-09-24

AS355 F2 TC-Certification– Updated 07-09-24

AS355 N EASA-Certification -Updated 07-09-24

AS355 NP TC-Certification Updated 11-08-23

BO105 CB/CBS EASA-Certification

BO105 LS A-3 EASA-Certification

AS365 N1 EASA-Certification Updated 05-17-23

AS365 N2 EASA-Certification Updated 05-17-23

AS365 N3 EASA-Certification Updated 11-08-23

EC135 P2+ Updated 03-01-24

EC135 T2+ Updated 08-28-24

EC135 T2(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 P2(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 T3(CPDS) Updated 03-01-24

EC135 P3H Updated 08-23-24