Airbus Foundation launches immersive AI experience for teens

While many people are capable of recognising when an image has been AI-generated or to take facts that are presented by ChatGPT with a dose of scepticism, it takes time to develop the skills and experience to navigate a world augmented by artificial intelligence.
AI presents a particular risk to teenagers, who are exploring the world and forming their own ideas for the first time. Education has a valuable role to play in supporting teens as they develop skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking and problem solving – all valuable tools to have at their disposal when encountering AI in the wild. This is why the Airbus Foundation has partnered with educational experts, science communicators and Airbus employees to create an interactive immersive learning experience that responds to this need, called FAIR ENOUGH. It can be accessed at
FAIR ENOUGH: An immersive learning experience
Currently available in English, French and Spanish and soon to be launched in German and Dutch, FAIR ENOUGH is a browser-based experience that takes the user through a series of scenarios where they encounter AI. Optimised for mobile devices and developed with teens aged between 14-17 in mind, it aims to appeal to this target audience by presenting the information through a series of conversations between four teenagers: Noor, Mila, Yu and Tiago. In scrolling through the chat, the interactive format gives prompts to respond to questions, share opinions and reflect on the issues posed by the content. Each “episode” lasts approximately ten minutes.
FAIR ENOUGH does not collect any personal data and there is no need to create an account in order to use it. It is free to use and free from advertisements. Anyone can access FAIR ENOUGH as an individual, but it is primarily intended to be delivered by educators. After discovering the tool, perhaps in a classroom setting, teens can explore the rest of the scenarios in their own time if they wish.

Empowering young people and widening access to skills
By widening youth access to quality educational resources, the Airbus Foundation hopes to create a ripple effect that can unlock access to building essential future skills, such as the ability to critically navigate scenarios when they encounter AI in the real world.
Since the objective of FAIR ENOUGH is to strengthen critical thinking skills, it presents the information neutrally, neither encouraging nor discouraging the use of AI. The personas of the four teen characters in the chat scenarios allows for a wide range of viewpoints to be represented. FAIR ENOUGH aims to empower young people with the knowledge to navigate rapid changes in our world, considering the ethical, social and legal issues raised by the use of AI in our daily lives.
FAIR ENOUGH explores eight diverse topics including the use of AI in health, education, jobs and sports. It also considers how AI is used in the creation of deepfakes, with autonomous vehicles, its application in art and creativity and how AI can recognise and model emotions as “emotional machines”. The tool addresses general principles around AI that should remain evergreen, even as specific technologies continue to evolve at pace.
For any questions about FAIR ENOUGH, please visit the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space website or contact the Airbus Foundation at