What is your current role and where are you based?
Airbus Faces
I’m the mechanical architect of the X-band payload of Spainsat NG telecommunication satellite for the Spanish government. I’m located in Madrid.
How long have you been working at Airbus?
I started working at Airbus in 2005, and joined as an employee in 2008.
Which aircraft/products are you working with?
I work in the space division. I’ve been part of the Antenna group mainly in telecommunications satellites for Hispasat, SES or Eutelsat customers, as well as for governmental programs for Hisdesat. Occasionally, I have worked on Earth observation products for METOP missions.
What inspired you to be a part of the aerospace sector?
Since I was a child, I’ve been impressed by the universe. I loved to watch the stars at night and imagine what was out there waiting for us. I studied Aerospace Engineering and as final project at the university I proposed an earth-observation satellite. My own satellite.
Concerning the beginning of your career path at Airbus - what was the main drive that led you to apply and be part of this company?
It was the biggest space company in Spain. I wanted to be part of it and contribute to its story.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
It is a very dynamic job. We develop Protoflight models meaning that each new project brings a new design which is going to fly. In a short time frame we design, manufacture and test the product so it is ready for the mission and will satisfy the customer. It is a constant challenge to develop a state-of-the-art product for space.
Tell us about one of the most memorable experiences from your career at Airbus. What made it so special and unforgettable?
I have the pleasure to belong to a great team with lots of memorable moments. One of them was during the “development and innovation” phase where engineering/scientific senses are enhanced. During preparation of the test set-up for a new product, we realized there was a conflict. We ended up with a saw cutting the carbon fiber sandwich to make it fit, reviewing the physics of the load path and stress distributions. It worked! And the design solution was implemented afterwards for the product.
What is the most important advice you have been given, and is there any important advice you would like to give?
“You can reach whatever you desire, just go for it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t”. I consider that there are no limits, only the ones that we apply to ourselves. The advice I would give is “you are the driver of your future”.
What has been one of the most empowering moments at Airbus?
The most empowering moment happens during the environmental test campaign. As the Mechanical manager, I’m in charge of the test defining a strategy to achieve the needs of the spacecraft, keeping the products safe. It is quite a stressful moment as an error could be disastrous, but at the same time it is satisfying once the test is completed successfully and the specimen is ready for launch.
What is the most important message you would like to send out to women considering a career in the aeronautic industry?
One third of our day is devoted to work, so I’d recommend that you spend your time doing what you like and working on projects that you’re proud of. In my opinion it is well worth belonging to this community of aerospace engineers where we can create exciting products.
What are the benefits of working at Airbus?
Firstly, I have the opportunity to work in a domain I like. Then there are other benefits such as stable work provided by a powerful Airbus company, and the compatibility between my work and my family.
In what way do the values of Airbus relate to your own?
The value I appreciate the most is “We are one”. I have observed a change in the way of working, no matter the site, gender or age. All together, we contribute to a unique purpose.
Do you have any hobbies? How do you enjoy spending your free time?
I like to go skiing and love enjoying the snow in the mountains with my family. We are in a ski racing team for training and pleasure.
Any fun facts you’d like to share?
When I was younger I used to play soccer in a team. I was a defender. Today I’m not “allowed” to play with my children any longer as they end up on the floor or with a kicked shin! Once, my little daughter was hit by a ball on her forehead and went flying. Soccer was my real hobby.
Career path at Airbus
Mechanical Engineer at Antenna Coc
Airbus Defence & Space, Madrid
Mechanical Architect
Airbus Defence & Space, Madrid