A350F | Airbus Livery Design Competition

A350F Livery Design Competition

Fly your design

A350F livery contest

In 2022 Airbus organised the A350F Airbus Livery Design Competition to choose the livery for its last generation freighter aircraft.

With over 4,000 entries, the selection process was very challenging for our jury who finally selected two similar submissions and combined them as the final winning design. So a big congratulations goes to John Feehan and the brothers Quinnten and Ellisten Iversen. The winners and final livery design have been revealed at a special ceremony at the Paris Air Show.

Before the selected design comes to life, the A350F needs to be manufactured. That’s already started and production is progressing well at the Airbus plants. The first parts of the centre wing box have already been assembled and the centre fuselage will be assembled and equipped soon.

The A350F will embark on its first flight in 2025. When it enters service in 2026, the A350F will be able to carry a payload of up to 111 tonnes over a range of up to 4,700 nm.

Iversen brothers

Meet Quinnten and Ellisten Iversen

And the winners are...

At 16 and 12, Quinnten and Ellisten are brothers and live in Calgary, Alberta Canada. From plane spotting to model collecting, aviation takes centre stage in their life and they already plan to become pilots.

"Aviation has been a discussion topic in our family for years, so when I saw the press release for the competition I was immediately interested. I was reading the daily aviation news when the idea suddenly clicked in my head. I sat down with my brother and we started to bring our concept to life together."

John Feehan entry

Meet John Feehan

And the winners are...

At 57, John Feehan works as graphic designer in Dublin, Ireland. He joined the competition under the encouragement of his son who is passionate about aviation.

"My son is hoping for a career in aviation and his passion has affected the entire family. He is the one who encouraged me to enter the competition. The contest was a good challenge to try to think outside the norm and a unique opportunity to work with a leader in aviation. I couldn’t miss my chance."

A350F mock up centre

Get to know the A350F

Did you know?

In line with Airbus’ mission to pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world, the launch of a brand new large freighter - the A350F - was announced in 2021. This freighter has been designed to reduce fuel burn and carbon emissions by up to 40% compared to freighters currently flying. How will the A350F achieve this? It all comes down to significant weight savings achieved through its use of advanced materials, latest generation efficient engines and state of the art technologies. 

The A350F will give the large air freight market an aircraft that will be easier and more efficient to operate. It will require less maintenance and deliver up to 40% savings in operational costs compared to current in service freighters.