Recruitment process & tips

Get prepared for your next job

Onboarding journey

Take a first step in your journey with us

Your career starts here

Ready for your next move ? Learn more about our recruitment process and prepare in the best way to nail your application. 

From sending your resume to participating in successful interviews, here you can access all important pieces of information to guide you in your candidate journey.

Start your candidate journey

Get ready to apply

1. Find an exciting opportunity on our careers website

Browse the vacancies on our careers website and find the one that best fits your ambition. With many job opportunities in a wide range of fields and expertise, we have no doubt that one is there waiting for you!

Airbus careers website

2. Update your resume and cover letter

Make sure your resume and cover letter are up-to-date, highlight both your hard skills and soft skills. Remember to focus on showcasing missions and responsibilities related to your targeted job.

Top Tip : our recruiters see many CVs every day, make it easier for them and let yours stand out, by ensuring it is relevant to the job you are applying for.

Update your resume and cover letter

3. Submit your application online

Once your application documents are ready, simply click on the Apply button and drop your resume in the attachment files.

Onboarding - Help & Support

Land your next job!

Express your talent

4. Get screened by our Talent Acquisition Team and enter the preselection phase

Your application will be screened by our Talent Acquisition Team, who look manually at all resumes. If your application is selected, our team will then offer you a call or a short video interview.

The onboarding process

5. Participate in interview(s) with both our Business and Talent Acquisition Teams

Once you have passed the reviewing stage, you are invited for interviews to meet our Business Team and our Talent Acquisition Team, in person or in a video interview.

Business & Support Functions

6. Land the job!

If you are selected, a member of Human Resources will get back to you with an offer. You are now ready to join your new team and start your onboarding.

Welcome to Airbus!

Recruitment process

Airbus Application process in 5 steps

Recruitment process

Airbus Application process in 5 steps

Airbus Application process in 5 steps